Bridging Transitions

Bridging Transitions

One of my favorite yoga poses is bridge, done while lying with back body supported by the floor, feet planted under the knees, eyes focused toward the infinite space above. The movement into bridging requires core engagement to rise up against gravity, the strength of the back body, the willingness of an articulating spine. There is no absolute one place in the body that defines strength of the holding pattern – an example in the ideal that the whole is more than just the sum of its parts.

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Daily Ayurvedic Rituals to Serve the Body, Mind and Spirit

Daily Ayurvedic Rituals to Serve the Body, Mind and Spirit

According to Ayurveda, how you start your day is intrinsic to the “care and keeping” of mind, body and spirit, and can direct the course of how it will unfold.  Developing a morning ritual is called Dinacharya and this is an evolving process, originating with how your unique constitution could use certain steps, some automated, to allow the mind to slowly meet the day while leaving space and time to adjust for what arrives anew daily.

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Daily Essential Oil Rituals to serve the Body, Mind and Spirit

Daily Essential Oil Rituals to serve the Body, Mind and Spirit

Since pure essential oils work chemically in the body, there is much we can do to support our emotions, our stress level, and all the physical systems in our body on an ongoing basis. Essential oils help bring our bodies to balance so that our bodies can do the ‘heavy lifting’ required to keep us well and healthy. Here are some simple ideas you can incorporate on a daily basis to give yourself some Body-Mind-Spirit love:

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Living with an Open Heart

Living with an Open Heart

In the wintertime we are encouraged to practice back-bending poses, since they build heat and provide the nervous system an opportunity to ground, to be centered and to allow us to be open to the future while we conserve our energy for the coming spring. We constantly recognize that our asanas practice has many lessons for application “off the mat,” and into our daily life.

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Partner Yoga with Children to build Trust and an Element of Fun

Partner Yoga with Children to build Trust and an Element of Fun

It takes intentional effort and mindfulness to teach and lead children, no matter if from the perspective of a parent, caregiver or educator. People who choose to work with children are following their inherent, inner guide and gravitate to a heart connection to the children in their safe-keeping. Knowing that children are our future puts us all in the position of a sweet responsibility to inspire, empower and support them,

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Partner Yoga to Build Intimacy, Trust and an Element of Fun

Partner Yoga to Build Intimacy, Trust and an Element of Fun

This week we offer you a partner yoga sequence. Partner yoga provides many great advantages, to include understanding yourself and poses better when afforded support and balance, an opportunity to build relationship trust, a chance to change perspective, and a means to deepen your practice whether you are a novice or an experienced practitioner.

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Wake up Your Senses: Bring your awareness to life with aromas that will give you a fresh start for the New Year

Wake up Your Senses: Bring your awareness to life with aromas that will give you a fresh start for the New Year

When inhaled through the nose, pure and potent essential oils interact with our olfactory system and almost immediately have a positive effect on the limbic system in the brain. Interestingly, our sense of smell is the only ‘sense’ we have that doesn’t first get filtered by our logical thinking brain.

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Attention to Intention

Attention to Intention

Sankalpa, a Sanskrit word which refers to intention, is typically the beginning of each practice, whether you give attention to it deliberately, anmng the intention specifically or whether you arrive at your practice with an unconscious intention. Seasoned students come to understand that all yogic practices are preceded by a Sankalpa and the reason behind this has great depth as each practice is an opportunity to honor the intention and to grow in our understanding of our place in this world.

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Maharishi Aromatherapy: Four Ways to Use Essential Oils for Natural Immunity

Maharishi Aromatherapy: Four Ways to Use Essential Oils for Natural Immunity

As the weather begins to cool and the days become drier, our physiology can become more susceptible to Vata imbalance. It’s easy to understand why, and taking steps to balance Vata dosha is essential.

So, how can we begin to boost our natural immunity? One powerful technique is with natural, therapeutic remedies that enliven our own self-healing mechanisms — pure essential oils!

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Beginning Anew, Using the Power of Intention

Beginning Anew, Using the Power of Intention

Each part of yoga practice is just that, a practice. In coming to the beginning of your yoga practice, whether it is meditation, pranayama, asana,…. traditionally there is attention to the breath, for many reasons. Focus on the breath calms the nervous system, since a “watched breath” tends to slow and become full and deep. Where your attention goes, your awareness grows.

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New Year's Resolutions - Food! "We are how we eat."

New Year's Resolutions - Food! "We are how we eat."

The New Year brings new hopes, aspirations and resolutions. It is the time of the year when we set our goals to achieve for the next year. How many of us are able to actually act on our plans? Be it the promise to hit the gym every single day or make a schedule to socialize more often, even the best promise-keepers may find it hard to keep up with New Year’s resolutions. However, no matter how many times we’ve fallen behind, year after year, we never give up. And I say we shouldn’t! After all, the new year is all about starting new habits (good ones) and committing to the activities that lead to a more positive life — all leading in the direction of better health and happiness.

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Present Moment Spiritual Awakening

Present Moment Spiritual Awakening

Yoga is a spiritual practice – a surprise to new yogis, yet quickly understood. In all aspects of the practice, we cultivate the habits of coming “present,” using a one-pointed focus to allow both the mind and body to quiet. Most often the one point is to focus on the breath. The one point can also be a mantra, mudra, prayer, … To slow down and release the mind’s eye from the constant thoughtwaves is a great opportunity to appreciate what is in front of us, awaiting our attention.

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Christmas Eve with EYP

Christmas Eve with EYP

Most people would agree that we find ourselves immersed in the busiest season of the year (unless you’re an accountant!) There are exceptionally long lines at the stores, more traffic than usual, and many of us who suddenly find ourselves with an extra long to-do list in order to finish the year up well and/or make the holidays extra special for ourselves and those around us.

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Savor the Present

Savor the Present

Most people would agree that we find ourselves immersed in the busiest season of the year (unless you’re an accountant!) There are exceptionally long lines at the stores, more traffic than usual, and many of us who suddenly find ourselves with an extra long to-do list in order to finish the year up well and/or make the holidays extra special for ourselves and those around us.

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EYP 2018 Holiday Gift Guide

EYP 2018 Holiday Gift Guide

We are so glad to be in this circle of yogis/essential oil enthusiasts together with you! At the core of yoga and yogis is LOVE! Therefore we know that you will enjoy our 2018 holiday gift suggestions and we would LOVE your feedback and recommendations too!  As we look to treating those we love (self included), here are some of our favorite recommendations accessible to you at the convenience of technology – thus more time for aromatherapy infused yoga practice!

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De-stress During Seasonal Chaos

De-stress During Seasonal Chaos

With looming to-do lists, invite lists, gift lists, wish lists, and grocery lists, the most wonderful time of the year can quickly become seasonal chaos. It’s no wonder that many of us feel so stressed out during the holiday season!

The expectations of holiday shopping, hosting or visiting family, having so much to do and so many decisions to make, may cause Prana Vata, the subdosha of Vata that governs mental functioning, to go out of balance. Aggravated Prana Vata can cause excessive worry, occasional feelings of anxiety and trouble sleeping — thus making it difficult to remain calm and stay happy during one of the best times of the year. If we become more and more stressed, we enjoy the holidays less and less.

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Infuse the Holidays with Yoga and Essential Oils

Infuse the Holidays with Yoga and Essential Oils

This winter holiday season is a time when schedules tend to kick-up a notch (or ten), we develop a sixth-sense awareness of the needs and feelings of people around us, and we might experience positive or negative feelings as we reflect on our past and current circumstances and how they reflect our personal and family traditions.

No matter what your past traditions have been, and no matter how satisfied or peaceful you feel with your current situation, there is always room to introduce new holiday traditions to infuse your soul with deepened gratitude and peace. Consider choosing one or more selections from our holiday buffet of ‘new traditions’ selections

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