Understanding the 5 Subdoshas of Kapha

Understanding the 5 Subdoshas of Kapha

According to Ayurvedic wisdom, our body and its functions are governed by a unique blend of the three doshas, or mind-body principles: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

“Kapha is that quality of our physiology which increases with close contact of water,” says Dinesh Gyawali, PhD, a classically trained Ayurveda Vaidya (Ayurvedic expert) and Assistant Professor at Maharishi University of Management. Generally speaking, Kapha has a binding quality in the body and governs structure, lubrication, and nutrition. It moderates things like weight, growth, lubrication of the lungs, and formation of the seven tissues: blood, fat, muscle, bone, marrow, nutritive fluids, and reproductive tissue. It also has a cooling influence, according to Gyawali. “Ayurveda compares Kapha with the Moon. It keeps our body nourished and cools it down just like the moon.”

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Daily Ayurvedic Rituals to Serve the Body, Mind and Spirit

Daily Ayurvedic Rituals to Serve the Body, Mind and Spirit

According to Ayurveda, how you start your day is intrinsic to the “care and keeping” of mind, body and spirit, and can direct the course of how it will unfold.  Developing a morning ritual is called Dinacharya and this is an evolving process, originating with how your unique constitution could use certain steps, some automated, to allow the mind to slowly meet the day while leaving space and time to adjust for what arrives anew daily.

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Maharishi Aromatherapy: Four Ways to Use Essential Oils for Natural Immunity

Maharishi Aromatherapy: Four Ways to Use Essential Oils for Natural Immunity

As the weather begins to cool and the days become drier, our physiology can become more susceptible to Vata imbalance. It’s easy to understand why, and taking steps to balance Vata dosha is essential.

So, how can we begin to boost our natural immunity? One powerful technique is with natural, therapeutic remedies that enliven our own self-healing mechanisms — pure essential oils!

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New Year's Resolutions - Food! "We are how we eat."

New Year's Resolutions - Food! "We are how we eat."

The New Year brings new hopes, aspirations and resolutions. It is the time of the year when we set our goals to achieve for the next year. How many of us are able to actually act on our plans? Be it the promise to hit the gym every single day or make a schedule to socialize more often, even the best promise-keepers may find it hard to keep up with New Year’s resolutions. However, no matter how many times we’ve fallen behind, year after year, we never give up. And I say we shouldn’t! After all, the new year is all about starting new habits (good ones) and committing to the activities that lead to a more positive life — all leading in the direction of better health and happiness.

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De-stress During Seasonal Chaos

De-stress During Seasonal Chaos

With looming to-do lists, invite lists, gift lists, wish lists, and grocery lists, the most wonderful time of the year can quickly become seasonal chaos. It’s no wonder that many of us feel so stressed out during the holiday season!

The expectations of holiday shopping, hosting or visiting family, having so much to do and so many decisions to make, may cause Prana Vata, the subdosha of Vata that governs mental functioning, to go out of balance. Aggravated Prana Vata can cause excessive worry, occasional feelings of anxiety and trouble sleeping — thus making it difficult to remain calm and stay happy during one of the best times of the year. If we become more and more stressed, we enjoy the holidays less and less.

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Ten Tips to Avert Ama Build-Up Over the Holidays

Ten Tips to Avert Ama Build-Up Over the Holidays

Ama, the toxic waste-product of inefficient digestion, can accumulate at any time of the year. During the holidays, we’re particularly susceptible to it. The bounty of festive meals and lots of sweets tempts us to overeat and eat at irregular times, and these are all triggers for the build-up of ama. If left unchecked, our body can become clogged and our immune system weakened by the accumulation of ama. Do you experience lack of appetite, stiffness in the joints, occasional constipation, respiratory issues, allergen reactions, or weight gain?

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Ayurvedic Strategies for Healthy Holiday Eating

Ayurvedic Strategies for Healthy Holiday Eating

‘Tis the season to be snacking! From Thanksgiving (or even Halloween) through Valentine’s Day, the holidays present an extended string of festive gatherings that center around food and drinks. While living it up with friends, family, and colleagues can be fun, it can also be a bit stressful — especially with travel, gift buying, hectic schedules, and easy access to rich and sugary foods.

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Upgrading To An Ayurvedic Diet: Five Secrets of Good Digestion

Upgrading To An Ayurvedic Diet: Five Secrets of Good Digestion

The majority of Americans suffer from occasional digestion problems: gas, bloating, stomach discomfort, constipation, heartburn, and fatigue after eating.

The act of eating is life-giving, and the process of digestion, according to Maharishi Ayurveda, is critically important. Eating for maximum benefit requires awareness, and is important for the development of consciousness as well as our physical health.

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Dosha Balance: Vata

Dosha Balance: Vata

Vata dosha governs flow and motion in the mind and body — the movement of thoughts across our minds, memory, food moving through our digestive tract, elimination of wastes, the flow of our blood, and our breath. For the movement of all three doshas — Vata makes it happen; it’s the leader! Since the other doshas, Pitta and Kapha, cannot move without it, it is important to keep Vata in balance.

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