Tips to Boost Your Immunity with Yogic Practices


Well-being is the fruit of the labor in both yoga and ayurveda, yet depend on daily and lifelong habits which also bolster and boost immunity.

Here are a few that are easy to incorporate into your day:

1.  Start your day with warm water and lemon.  This will help cleanse the digestive system while providing some vitamin C.  In times of distress, add honey as it is an antimicrobial and will coat the throat and  boost immunity (especially if it is local). Add turmeric to provide anti-inflammatory properties and ginger, fresh or powdered, to add  exponential immune boosting effects at times of stress, physically or emotionally. 

2. Incorporate  pranayama practice to build resilience of the respiratory system. Use box breathing to quiet the nervous system, alternate nostril breathing to balance both sides of the brain, use Viloma I to build lung capacity and refine awareness skills. Use breath of fire to strengthen the muscles of respiration along with the core engagement muscles. See the Restorative Sequence in Essential Yoga Practice to learn more. 

3.  Practice Guard Hasta Mudra to enhance the expansiveness of the ribcage and lungs, while supporting lymphatic drainage. 

4.  Do a daily yoga practice, following your intuition - energizing, restorative, centering,... 6 sequences are available to you in the book and DVD.

5. Use aromatherapy that is antiviral and elevates mood:  all citrus oils! 

6.  Eat a balanced diet with fresh food; slow down and savor the life giving nourishment and acknowledge the Source with gratitude - an ayurvedic tradition at all meals. 

Enjoy your practice, namaste!